Save on Medications

Mon, Sep 17, 2012

Life and Family

Medications are very expensive today for everyone especially those of us who are self insured or don’t have regular insurance. Even if you are insured this is a way to save you and your family hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year on all types of medicines, drug precriptions, and other doctor authorized medications, even things like epipens.
An Attorney showed me this just yesterday and this has already helped. This is not a secret just go to google and type in coupon and the medications name and pull up the links. Easy and you have several to choose from.
My first coupon was up to 90% off on an epipen. My cost before first coupon was going to be over $250. I can go to several places with serveral coupons and get it right now at walmart, CVS, and others for only 62.50 this week with the coupons.
Hope this helps your family save money now!


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