Getting ready for Spring with Rental property

Wed, Feb 10, 2016

Real Estate Investing

Anyone ever do Spring Maintenance? It is important to plan. If you do not plan your business your business will show you a plan and it will not be one of ever increasing efficiency and profit margins. If you own rental property be prepared.
Get ready for the spring and summer time by checking your HVAC system now. Changing the filter alone can save you or the tenant $10 to $15 a month on the electric bill. This checkup may also show you potential problems so there is not an expensive emergency later that costs extra at the wrong time.
Here is a simple list for you to do now.
1. Look at the air conditioner and change the filter or have the system serviced now when the HVAC guys are not busy. You want your renters to pay rent not send all their money to the electric company.
2. Check sinks, toilets, laundry room connections, hot water heaters and outside water valves for leaks and drips. Water problems are the biggest cost of insurance claims. Minor leaks cost now and lead to bigger issues, broken pipes costs, and remember emergency plumbers are expensive.
3. Check the house for drafts to see where air is leaking in or out, running up the power bills and sucking up your tenants pay checks. Leaky windows leak water and air.
4. Check the house after it rains for leaks and is the rain running off or do you have wood rot or painting issues.
5. The leaves are not falling now. Clean the gutters and check for leaks. Check for overhanging limbs and bushes touching and rubbing the house that need trimmed.
6. Overhanging limbs invite not only leaves into the gutters but squirrels onto your roof and into the attic to eat your wood and wiring
7. How is the yard looking? Look for water puddling up and is it draining properly away from the house.
8. Fence issues can look simple but, can a dog crawl out or in and cause you a liability issue?
9. How do your utilities bills compare to last year?
10. What about the driveway spots or more cars? Any oil that can be tracked onto your new carpet? Extra vehicles sometimes mean extra people living in your property.
11. What is laying in the yard that should not be? Car, tires, appliances, trash for cats to spread, signs they are getting ready to move out (blinds in the trash), signs they are spending money (60 inch tv box).
This is a simple list. For more free helpful information follow us on facebook.

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